Monday, August 2, 2010

Becoming Frugal and Learning to Save Money: A Lifestyle Planning

When talking about becoming frugal and saving money, you have to start by looking at your current lifestyle. You may need to plan things differently to make the most out of what you currently have. Saving money and becoming frugal is not only about how much you earn and how much you have in your bank account. I look at it from a much broader perspective. It's the lifestyle you choose that either makes it easier or harder in becoming frugal.

This post is a general overview on lifestyle planning. Lifestyle planning is a broad topic, different parts of which will be covered more extensively in the future posts.

The money that is saved will be spent eventually and the money that is to be spent should be done so wisely in order to spend only the right amount so that you can still keep the rest with you.

We have all come across things that are beyond your control and the things that are totally within our control. We cannot do much about the things that are beyond our control. However by doing things that are within our control in certain ways, we may be able to make a positive impact on the things that are beyond our control and make those things take a course that we desire. This applies to many aspects in life. You can plan your finances, education and health to prevent undesired consequences later in life. Your good plan will help you become frugal and save you time and money on the long run.

Learning to save money is not a rocket science. You don't need to do a course in economics to become a frugal spender but you certainly need a common sense and an ability to question your own desires, which usually lead to over-spending. I will be writing in another post about how people with different characteristics spend differently. For instance, some people are impulse shoppers and some are gullible. People with these characteristics are an easy target of marketing schemes that entice them to spend more.

For saving money, you may also need to give up on certain things that will make a huge difference in the way your finances are managed. For instance, cancelling credit cards, driving less, cutting down on unnecessary food items, etc.

Contemplating a simple lifestyle and doing necessary preparations for it will help you not only to live frugally, it also simplifies your way of thinking and frees your mind from daily clutters. It leads you to a spiritual journey.

Lifestyle planning is not solely about saving money. You may find my posts useful for making other important decisions in life. All the things that I write about may not fit 100% for you. It's about choosing what works best for you. I write from my own personal experiences and insights. You are more than welcome to share your views on my blog posts. I am also in the process of learning and the right way to learn is also to hear from others about their life experiences.

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